Maire Tecnimont – Seenergy 2019 | brand, print, sustainability, video |
Art direction, regia e montaggio video per l’edizione 2019 di Seenergy, evento di Maire Tecnimont dedicato a fornitori e collaboratori. La novità di quest’anno sono le Seenergy Talks, intermezzi e interviste con persone chiave del mondo degli idrocarburi. Art direction, direction during the event and video editing for the 2019 edition of Seenergy, an event by Maire Tecnimont dedicated to suppliers and partners. The change in this year event are the Seenergy Talks, which are breaks and interviews with key representatives in the world of hydrocarbons.
Milano, 2019 | Related: Maire Tecnimont – Seenergy 2017 video, Seenergy 2017 evento